Tuesday, June 15, 2010

what the faaaaaaa.....

Okay so i'm sitting on the train today reading book the 12th of "A Series of Unfortunate events" on my way to work. Sitting next to me is a lady who gets up because it's her stop and a guy sits down where she was sitting. Our elbows and knees touch, I pay no mind because it is a crowded train, however he could have closed dem legs and squeezed a bit. Anyways, he turns towards me and asks if I know how to get to Regal Park. My knowledge of Queen is very limited since I abhor it so much, i'm extremely content being ignorant about the streets of Queens. I tell him if he can at least tell me what stop he should get off or the train he's supposed to take, I can help him out. But all he knows is Regal Park, 67th avenue. I tell him, it's best to get off on Roosevelt avenue and ask someone because i'm sure he's not on the right train and will have to transfer. Roosevelt avenue also contains many connecting trains so it'll be better for him.

I apologize for not knowing where Ragal Park is and feel bad for the poor fella. But I go back to my book, few minutes later he asks if he should ask the guy sitting next to him. I say, "you can, but I really think it's best if you get off on Roosevelt avenue and ask someone there". Roosevelt avenue comes and we both get off from different doors of the cart. I start walking towards the end of the train, I see him again and tell him that he should go upstairs and ask one of the MTA employees. He tells me, "yea i'm thinking of cabbing it, I just came from London so i'm a bit lost."

The weird part was, when he was asking me for directions, I didn't hear his accent at all. Now I felt really guilty. I thought he was a New Yorker and I figured he can find his way, but the fellow was a tourist. I have a soft spot for tourists, so even though I was running super late for work, I still told him "okay come with me". I took him to the subway map and missed the 2nd train I was supposed to take! But I still walked towards the map with the guy, which had to be on the other end of the platform!!!!! Anyway, finally got there, found Regal Park and gave him directions. All he says to me after that is "cheers mate!" and walks away!

double-u, T, EFF!

I thought since he was desi and i'm desi and I totally missed my train to help him out, the least he could do is ask me out for coffee. I mean he was short for a guy, had a fake bling in his ear which is a major turn-off, but he was pretty cute. And I kind of thought he asked me for directions because he thought maybe I was cute. I mean seriously! he could have asked ANYONE on the train, but he sat down next to ME and asked. When he said "cheers mate!" and was walking away, I was pretty close to being like "seriously, that's it!"

But i'm pretty psycho for even writing about this encounter, I wouldn't want to be even more of a psycho by writing how I scared the poor guy.

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